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ZiZi makes sex less daunting, makes it less serious.

Getting away from the American model of sexuality, often based on performance rather than on austerity and sharing. Zizi is cute, it’s fun, and it’s French for “Willie”. Zizi is playful. All the boys love playing with their Willie, their Zizi.

Zizi is also personality, color. Zizi offers cheaper prices than anywhere else because our objective is not to sell our products one piece at a time. Our idea is to sell combos in order to pimp up our “genital area” and, subsequently, explore the paths of extreme pleasure. Zizi is pretty much like purchasing sneakers online, with the possibility of selecting the color of each separate component: fun, individual, fashionable, but also comfortable and efficient.

Behind Zizi and behind the smiles, you find true experts who think, prepare, propose, draw and manufacture our products. Our models are not there to decorate and entertain wieners. There is a guaranteed efficiency; maximum pleasure and enjoyment are our ultimate goal, our mission.

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5581WJ Waalre
Die Niederlande
+31 40 - 22 22 206

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