Offene Latex-Shorts für Herren von Skin Two – Honour
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Offene Latex-Shorts für Herren von Skin Two – Honour
Machen Sie sich bereit in diesen offenen Latex-Herrenshorts und zeigen Sie sich wie nie zuvor!
Wagen Sie es, in diesen auffälligen schwarzen Latex-Shorts alles zu entblößen. Die Shorts bestehen aus zwei separaten Teilen und sind vorne und hinten offen, damit Sie Ihren wildesten Träumen freien Lauf lassen können...
Diese hochwertigen Latex-Herrenshorts werden von Skin Two - Honor hergestellt, das in England produziert und ansässig ist. Dieser Latex hat eine Latexstärke von 0,33 mm. Wir empfehlen die Verwendung von Begloss Perfect Shine, um das Beste aus Ihren Latexprodukten herauszuholen!
Latex thickness
0,33 mm
Beurteilung: Offene Latex-Shorts für Herren von Skin Two – Honour
Latex Herren-Short offen von Rimba #9031
Das passende für Ihren sexy Po: eine eng sitzende Hotpants, die den wichtigsten Spielbereich unbedeckt lässt. Wagen Sie sich umzudrehen?Aus 1 Teil Latex gefertigt, sehr stark, über 600% stretch Garantie.
Größen: Small, Medium, Large & X-Large
Farbe: Schwarz
Material: 100% Natur Latex
Für diese Gummiartikel finden Sie die passenden latexpflegeprodukte in unserem Onlineshop
kwalitätsprodukt aus Holland
beGLOSS EASY GLIDE - Latex Dressing Aid € 9,95 beGLOSS EASY GLIDE PREMIUM SPRAY - Easy Glide - Pure Feeling. This latex PREMIUM dressing aid maintains and distributes itself much faster and much better than regular EASY GLIDE. Due to the special viscosity, you use much less latex dressing aid and it is particularly suitable for thin & sensitive latex. Distribute quickly and easily using the premium spray head.
beGLOSS PERFECT SHINE € 9,95 The latex polish beGLOSS Perfect Shine and Sensitive Care offers perfect shine and gentle care. Our latex polish Perfect Shine and Sensitive Care from beGLOSS makes latex care simple and ensures a professional shine every time. Whether you’re enjoying a photo shoot, a big appearance or just enjoying wearing your favourite latex.
beGLOSS WIPE Small - Perfect SHINE Latex Polish Wipe € 11,95 beGLOSS Wipe - Latex POLISHING TOWEL - No more greasy or sticky latex. Our very high-quality special latex polishing cloth comes in a double-layer black / pink design. Our innovative, new product features a very unusual, fine fibre structure. It is completely different in construction and composition to the material from other conventional polishing cloths. Other polishing cloths such as microfibre cloths stick to the latex, leave fluff when used and can damage and scratch the material.
beGLOSS TALCUM POWDER € 15,95 We have developed the beGLOSS Talcum Powder as an alternative to dressing aids made from oil or silicone. Made especially for your latex clothing, it helps you to get into your latex outfit quickly and easily. Putting on latex can be so easy! Because the powder works so well with the latex surface and also has an anti-static effect, you put on the latex clothing in a gliding manner.