Leder abschließbarer Handfessel aus robustem Rindsleder im Schwarz-Rot
Innen mit weichem Nappaleder gepolstert. D-Ring geschweißt.
Breid: 8cm
länge: 26 cm
Farbe: Schwarz
abschließbar durch mitgelieferte Vorhängeschloss
Leather Lockable Wristcuffs (Blue)
A stylish set of two high quality leather wristcuffs with attractive blue lining, lockable with the included padlocks and padded for optimum comfort during your bondage sessions.
MAE-Toys Rechargeable BDSM Timer Lock
Make your forced bondage fantasies a reality with this timed lock! Just put this lock through your lockable chastity device, gag, restraints or cage and set the timer for as long as you want your session to last up to a maximum of 99 hours (4 days and 3 hours)!
Also ideal for imprisonment and self-bondage.Just set the minutes of the timer by pressing the right button, the left button is for hours. Please check the set time careful because as soon as the timer lock is activated, it will no longer be possible to change! If the desired time is approved, activate the lock with the button in the middle . The timer lock will countdown for 5 seconds (on display and beeps). At 0 the time is final.
When the time is finished, the timer lock will vibrate and give some beeps. Then you can press the big white button on the side to unlock the lock.specifications:
size timer lock: 46 x 40 mm
arc width of the steel cable: 33 mm
Battery pack, rechargeable by USB cable and plug (included)
Easy operation, effective and safe
NOTE: Always be sure to practice your bondage sessions in the safest way possible!
Abschließbarer Fussfessel Schwarz-Blau
Innen mit weichem Nappaleder gepolstert. D-Ring geschweißt.Individuell mit Schnallenverschluss verstellbar
Länge ca. 30 cm
Breid ca. 8 cm
Farbe: Schwarz-Blau
abschließbar durch mitgelieferte Vorhängeschloss